Wednesday 4 July 2012

 Camping:  Take 2

Well, another weekend spent in the great outdoors.  The family, and a bunch of friends, hit up Silver Lake Provincial Park this long weekend for a little fun in the sun.  I must say, I was very impressed with this park.  A far cry from our last camping trip, the "outhouses" at Sliver Lake were immaculate!  I swear they were cleaner than my bathroom here at home.  And they were blessedly critter free.  No big spiders or birds or anything.  They were, however a little pungent which sucked for my brother and sister in law who were camped right down wind.  Say la vie.

Now, I recently re-broke my collarbone, which is only slightly less painful than the first time, so I was pretty much useless this trip.  My hubby had to do all the packing and unpacking, including picking up our entire site and moving it to another spot when we discovered that I had accidentally not booked us for the whole weekend. Whoops!  Now, on one hand, I could have looked at this as a gift.  Most of the time I do pretty much everything when we're camping so this time was like a break for me.   But that's not really how it worked out.  Instead, I felt like a completely useless tool who couldn't do anything and was just in the way.  I hate that.  I'm a do it yourself kinda gal.  I hate waiting for other people to do things for me and that it pretty much the position I was in this whole weekend.  Grrrrrrrr!

The other thing I learned in this trip:  never forget your hat.  I left my beloved sun hat behind on this tip and my hair will never forgive me.  With no hat to keep the sun off my face I had to spray myself with sunscreen every hour or so, dumping liberal amount of it all over my head.  Evenings were spent doing the same with with the bug spray.  By the end of day two I couldn't run my fingers through my hair.  They just got stuck and inch or so from my scalp.  Even after a shower, when you're all clean and fresh, you know you're just gonna hose yourself down again in ten minutes.  Mosquitoes can smell when you're clean.  That's when the attack with extra force!  By the end of the weekend, I could twist a piece of hair straight out from the side of my head, and it would just stay there like a stiff noodle.

Needless to say, when we got home, a shower was priority number one.  Check out this awesome before and after shot.

Hmmm.  Lets just say I was not at my most impressive.  It didn't help that the gals I was camping with are all slim and beautiful.  Grrrr.

So.   Definitely some good things learned for the next camping trip.  Hopefully my collarbone will feel better by then.  If not, I'll find myself a good book and a comfy spot to watch my husband work from!


1 comment:

  1. Michelle you made me laugh with the camping experience. You are one great and funny writer. I will be reading your blog... Love that before and after picture. You were fun to have around and entertaining story teller. You were quite entertaining and funny. Sorry if I couldn't say the word taco properly, but I am slowly getting there. Glad you girls can help me pronounce these words properly. By the way you are also beautiful, just don't look like a happy camper on that before picture...I agree with you that the site was beautiful. Thanks for the nice weekend and I hope you are feeling better. You seemed in pain,so I hope you can get something for it. Take care!

