Tuesday 17 July 2012

Just One More Embarrassing Day

Just when I think I've got everything down pat, I get tripped up again by the most embarrassing of situations. I was expecting company this afternoon. Roanne, my lovely Arbonne consultant, was stopping by to drop off  a colon cleanse for me, so I decided to make sure I didn't look like crap. (OMG!  It took me two more sentences to notice the pun here!)  I did my hair, had my makeup all nice.  I even tidied up the front hall so she wouldn't know how messy my house is.  I was prepared for my guest.

So Roanne shows up, we have a great little chat for about fifteen minutes and then, bing, bong, another friend is at my door to drop something off.  So Roanne takes off and I chat it up with Jenn for a few.  Just as Jenn is getting into her car to leave, I brushed my hand across my stomach, and realized, to my horror, that the zipper of my shorts was gaping wide open!!!

Not, like, halfway down, or down, but it was hard to tell; I mean flipping, gaping wide open with a big ol' pooch of beige panties popping out!  Dear, sweet Jesus!  Will I never stop humiliating myself?  I yelled to Jenn, "OMG!  Was my zipper open this whole time"?

"Yes.  Yes it was.  See ya!"

Great.  Well, at least I'm memorable.  No.  No, that really doesn't make it any better.


1 comment:

  1. For the record....I never noticed! I think I was so caught up in the chaos of the two boys and dogs! Either that, or I am just really oblivious!! Did notice the make-up though....nicely done!

    Your Arbonne Consultant
