Thursday 12 July 2012

Me and My Bronies

You know, we all have hopes and dreams for our children.  We try and teach them the right things and influence them in all the right ways.  But sometimes, life just throws you a curve ball.  Sometimes, despite all that you've taught them, your children will strike out on their own, and make up their own minds about they're own personal preferences and who they are going to be.  Well, my boys threw me just such a curve ball this week.  One I just didn't see coming, and I am struggling to adjust.

We are well into the second week of summer vacation and my children are trying to set a record for most tv watched during a single summer. (Go ahead all you better parents.  Judge.)  I have happily cleaned the house while listening to Phineas and Ferb; happily folded laundry while singing the theme song to Tough Puppy.  But this week, they got tired of watching their favourite shows.  They decided to watch something else and I walked in and caught them right in the act!!!!!  I caught them watching . . .  My Little Ponies: Friendship Magic.  That's right, my boys are Bronies!!!

Pray for me.

Taking a cue from their four year old cousin, Abigail (!!), the boys have become heavily invested this  cartoon about a group of little ponies who learn the ups and downs of being good friends.   They are loud and proud of their inclination towards these super coiffed equines.  Alex can even sing the whole theme song! 

I know I just have to accept it, them coming out like this. I tried.  Lord knows I tried to teach them.  Since Alex could talk we've been all about Batman and The Justice League and The Avengers.  Even Sponge Bob Squarepants.  But this??  I am at a loss.  Maybe it's just a phase.  Maybe by next week they'll be bored of Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash and Pinky Pie.  Or maybe, just maybe, I should sign them up with the International Brotherhood of Bronies and just let them be who they wanna be!


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