Tuesday 17 July 2012

Cleanse Anyone?

So, if you read my last post, you had to know there was no way I was gonna receive a colon cleanse and not talk about it to the whole world.  So here goes.

This week, for my focus on healthier living, I am doing a cleanse.  I've done these many times before.  Some were pretty good and some were freaking awful.  The worst one being an all juice cleanse where, for two weeks I was supposed to drink nothing but green veggie juice.  That wasn't the bad part.  The veggie juice wasn't bad.  The problem was that the cleanse worked too well, too quickly.

Let me tell you something.  Our bodies (and by "our", I mean the average Canadian), are absolute cesspools.  We eat crap all day and night, we drink alcohol and sugary soda, we don't exercise, we are exposed to any number of toxins that we either breath in, absorb through our skin or ingest directly from our food.  If our bodies were cities, they'd look like the ghetto that was built right next to the garbage dump.

Here's the kicker though.  Our bodies like it this way.  They are comfortable and cozy.  They are wrapped up in the Snuggie of our bad habits, snoozing on the couch of our inactivity and they are happy.  When you do a cleanse, you are sending in the Molly Maids and seriously disrupting your bodies status quo. And you body gets pissed.  When I did the veggie juice cleanse and I was literally incapacitated.  The first thing to hit was a massive, MASSIVE efing headache.  It lasted three to four days.  This is your bodies way of dealing with caffeine withdrawal, (among other things).  Anyone who says, "Oh, caffeine has no affect on me",  I double dog dare you to go one week without any.  No coffee, no tea, no Diet Coke.  You will get a very rude awakening to just how much caffeine affects you.

The next thing to hit was exhaustion.  It's like your body is using all it's energy flushing toxins out of you, and it has no more energy to spare for ANYTHING.  I couldn't keep my eyes open.  I just wanted to lie in bed forever.  It kinda felt like having the flu.

So, does that sound fun?  Anyone wanna try it?  Don't worry.  It's not really that bad.  That was just an extremely quick, albeit effective cleanse.  This time I am taking a more conservative path.  For one week I will be following this plan:

Breakfast:  Protein smoothie

Snacks:  raw fruits & veggies and homemade veggie and fruit juice. Today's juice was apple, orange, carrot, beet.  It was delish.

Lunch:  a really good salad, with veggies, fruit, nuts and beans.

Snack:  same as above

Dinner:  Cooked veggies, beans, legumes, whole grains.  For example, roasted veggies over brown rice.  A stir fry also works.

I am also continuing with my five cups of green tea habit, but I'm adding a couple teaspoons of Benefiber to each cup and I'm taking my Arbonne Colon Cleanse supplement, just to help things move along.

Day one is done and I'm feeling pretty good so far.  Hopefully it stays that way.  I shall keep you updated and please feel free to do your own cleanse and let me know how it goes by leaving your comments below.  Now, if you need me, I'll be in the bathroom.


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