Wednesday 4 July 2012

A New Action Plan!

So, I've been reading this book, Drop Dead Healthy, by A.J. Jacobs.  He's a pretty funny guy.   In this book, he is on a quest to become the world's healthiest man.  He is doing this by researching and putting into practice all the best health advice he can find.  He's trying everything from high protein to veganism, from cave man fitness programs to brain exercises to laughing classes, all in a bid to be the healthiest person possible.  It's an entertaining read, but more importantly, I think he may be onto something.

Each month, A.J. focuses on a different part of his body, all the while maintaining certain habits he finds beneficial as he goes along.  I like this idea.  I have decided to focus on one healthy change per week in order to work towards my goal of good health, (and, who am I trying to kid, a smaller ass).

My goal for week number one, starting tomorrow, will be to drink five cups of green tea a day.
Green tea is wonderful for you.  It's full of antioxidants, inhibits the growth of cancer cells and lowers bad cholesterol levels.  Plus it's yummy, warm and comforting.  Five cups a day may sound like a lot, but it's not.  I'll suck back two of them before noon.  I'm also hoping that trying to meet this goal will cause me to have to forgo the ever tempting Diet Coke.

So, try it out.  Think of just one good healthy change you can make and try it for the week.  Maybe it's taking a multivitamin everyday or flossing everyday.  Whatever makes you happy. Maybe next week, when you pick something new to add, you'll keep up with the previous weeks change, (or not), and before you know it you'll be doing all kinds of things that are great for you and you'll be on the road to better health, (and skinny jeans), in no time!


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