Monday 30 July 2012

This Weeks Goal

So.  I need to decide on my next health/fitness goal.  I've got my 5 cups of green tea a day and my mindful eating down pretty good and I'm re-doing my cleanse, so what next.  Ah yes, I have yet to tackle anything "fitness" related.  In truth that is because I find exercise to be a painful and unpleasant experience that usually results in days of pain.

The reason for this is that I am super competitive.  Even if I'm just working out by myself, I always want to prove to myself that I can to better than the guy or gal next to me.  I get very intense in the weight room.  I focus on using perfect form and lifting as much as I can, (which is quite a  lot if I do say so myself).  The problem is, when you only do this once every month and a half, you pay for it with muscle pain that is incredibly bad and lasts a good two to three days. Ow.

My last workout was . . . , well let's see, I re-broke my collarbone just before Canada Day, and it was probably a least a week before that, so let's say mid June.  It's now the end of July.  I'd better start off slowly.  I can't work my upper body yet, so my focus will have to be where I never want anyone to focus, my lower half.

(not my actual butt)

I used to love wearing mini skirts.  Now I don't even want to wear shorts in public!  Is it possible to have fat knees?  It must be, cause I have em!  

Lets get to work shall we?  My research has determined that a mix of cardio and strength training are the key to getting the best results.  Cardio is tricky.  I don't belong to a gym, but I suppose I have a couple options open.  Jogging, biking or elliptical.   Ok, let's just nix jogging right now.  I hate jogging.  I have informed all my neighbours that if they see me running they'd better call 911, cause I'm probably on fire.  That leaves biking or the dusty, never used elliptical machine I got from my mother, who also never used it, but who got it for free from another girl who never used it.  Hmmmmmm.  I'm sensing a trend.  Let's save that one for emergencies.  The good news is I LOVE BIKING!!!  I love it.  I love my bike, Tessa.  I'm like a girl Pee Wee Herman.

So, I have plotted out a 9.5km route and I will attempt to do this route every morning for the next seven days.  I will probably have to wake up early to get this in, but that's ok.  I guess.  No actually it really sucks, but oh well.  Hopefully it will give me an energy boost for the rest of the day.  That would be nice.  Then, later on in the day I will tackle one of the all time most effective lower body moves, the walking lunge.  I will do forty walking lunges.  Twenty up my hallway and twenty back.  That ought to be good enough, (for now).  

I'll let ya know.


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