Thursday 24 May 2012

Starting Point

Ok.  If I am to begin getting in shape, (again), and if I'm going to write about it, and if you are going to read it, then we really need to know where I am starting from and where I'd like to go.

This is what I'd like to look like: 
This is Rachel Davis, my favorite fitness model

This is what I currently look like:
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

As you can see we have some work to do.

So to sum up.  I am 5' 1" and 180lbs. I wear a size 14 to 16 depending on where I shop. I like to think that these numbers might surprise some people, but then I will see a photo of myself and it becomes very obvious that the only person who is in the dark about how I really look is me!  I remember Oprah once said that she would walk past storefront windows and see her reflection and think, "who is that fat chick following me"?  That's me!!  OMG am I in denial.  Anytime I need a reality check though, I'll just get someone to take my picture when I'm not expecting it.  I have almost passed out waiting for people to take my picture because I was sucking in my gut so hard!

Obstacles to overcome:  I am lazy.  
I do NOT enjoy working out.  I am hoping to change this. 

I am addicted to sugar.  

Very addicted.  It's amazing how sugar can Ef you up.  Usually my yen for sugar is strongest first thing in the morning.  On a normal day, (not even a bad day), I will consume, not one, not two, but three bowls of Honey Nut Cheerios.  If there is ice cream in our house I will eat three bowls a day, three scoops at a time.  I have a thing for threes.  I will always eat desert.  Always.  Even if I'm so full I could barf.  My plan is to start each day with a delicious protein smoothie.  Yummy.  Fruit, fiber and protein = energy.

I am addicted to Diet Coke.  

Completely.  I have tried to stop drinking it several times in the past only to give in when the massive three day withdrawal headache gets the best of me.  Diet Coke is an evil substance.  Full of artificial sweetener and CO2.  All it does is make me crave real sugar more, stain my teeth and leaves me mega bloated. It does not help me look sexy in my skinny jeans. Well, they're not really "skinny" jeans on me.  More like sausage casings.  I will be focusing on drinking icy cold water and green tea.  Maybe I'll try making my own, homemade iced tea!

Ok.  I think that's enough for now.  I did my first workout this morning.  I was a disgusting sweaty mess and it really wasn't that much fun, but the cold shower I had afterward was soooooooooo nice.  It made all that sweating worth the effort.  So long as I can still walk tomorrow I'll be in good shape.  Please feel free to share some of your best diet and exercise tips by clicking on "Comments" below.  I can use all the help I can get!



  1. Good Luck! Maybe I'll join you. I've been told, repeatedly, that I need to lose. My coworkers won't allow me the luxury of total denial. lol

  2. I'm rooting for you! Maybe we can go for a bike ride together :)
