Sunday 20 May 2012

Market Day

Awesome day!  Today was one of those rare combinations of beautiful weather, wonderful company and a much anticipated activity.  I am, of course, referring to my first trip of the season to the Farmer's Market.  It's asparagus season people, and there is no better place to find the yummiest asparagus than the Farmer's Market.    I grabbed my reusable shopping bags, my sun hat and my wonderful shopping companion, (my 5 year old son William), and headed to the Ottawa Farmer's Market in search of the perfect spear.

There was a lot to look at today.  Will got his face painted, which he was just thrilled with.  I have to say, he looked pretty darn cute.  There were cute dogs running around everywhere and people talking and laughing and lounging in the shade.  The atmosphere was so relaxed and pleasant.  Everyone just seemed to be in a great mood.

William with his face painted

There isn't a lot of veggies in season yet, but herbs and salad greens were plentiful. Beautiful flowers were everywhere.  Honey was available too, however at fifteen bucks a jar, it was a little out of my league today.  That's some expensive bee spit!  That's my biggest gripe about the market.  I read a lot of books, most written by people who live in California, who all swear that shopping at the farmer's market is the cheapest way to go.  However one must keep in mind that in California, where so much produce is grown all year round for the global marketplace, they have a constant overabundance and variety of produce. They're practically giving it away at farmer's markets, but things are quite different north of the border.  We have a very short growing season and no farming subsidies.  Fresh, local produce grown here costs a fortune.  The goods do out way the bads though.  When you buy local food it's usually organic, pesticide, hormone and GMO free and you're supporting a local farmer.  Plus it's extra yummy!  It just is, trust me!

After face painting Will and I grabbed some fresh rolled oats from a local vendor, some apples, eggs, (because I wanted to make fresh pasta), and green onions (they smelled heavenly).  By then it was lunch time. I ordered us potato wedges with salsa and cheese and a fresh squeezed lemonade and we sat in the shade under a tree, people watching while we ate.

Mmmm.  Fresh apples.

When were done we found a vendor with some nice looking asparagus.  Two pounds cost me twelve bucks.  Sheesh!  After that we were tuckered out (and broke), so we made our way home.  I had big plans for dinner and was going to need some time in the kitchen.

Ever made homemade pasta?  It's very easy, messy but easy.  I made a quick dough out of flour and my farmer's market eggs and rolled it out in my pasta roller.  The problem I have when I do this is finding a place to hang the pasta until I'm ready to cook it.  This time I used the handle of the oven.  Once I was done I chopped a bunch of veggies, including my new asparagus and roasted them in the oven, cooked the pasta and topped it all with some freshly grated Parmesan cheese.  Mmmmmmmmm.  There are leftovers in the fridge calling my name right now!  Fresh, light, healthy, meat free.  All my faves.  All in all a terrific market day!  Check it out yourself next weekend.
Making pasta

Drying pasta

Tada!  Pasta Primavera!



  1. I had no idea the Farmer's Market would actually have crops so early. I will have to check it out this weekend.

    A tip for pasta hanging. Try hanging it on clean clothes hangers. The hangars themselves could probably go on just about anything....hooks, knobs, wherever.

  2. That pasta dish looks AMAZING. I always wanted to try my hand at making my own pasta. I should also check out the Farmer's market soon too!
