Wednesday 23 May 2012

Sex:  A Tell All Exhibition Review

So, my kids attend a Catholic school and you can imagine the kerfuffle when the second grade field trip to the Museum of Science and Technology coincided with the the museums newest visiting exhibit, Sex: A Tell All Exhibition.  I started hearing horrible things about the exhibit.  It was explicit.  It showed people masturbating and encouraged group sex!  So of course I immediately decided I had to go see it.

This exhibit was showing at the science museum in Montreal when we were there with the kiddos last year.  We didn't tour it with them, they're 5 & 8.  I figured I could answer any questions they might have without the assistance of an exhibit.  I did note at the time though, that there was posters for the exhibit, featuring a completely naked man and woman, hung all over the museum.  Now, this might make some parents nervous, but in our house the concept of "privacy" still hasn't sunk in.  If a day goes by when my kids don't see me naked, it will be a noteworthy event.

So this morning my friend Sonia and I headed to the museum not sure what to expect.  Our first impression, when we got to the museum, was that the exhibit must not be there yet.  There was absolutely NO indication anywhere in the museum entrance or lobby that there was a salacious sex exhibit anywhere on the premises.  We were bummed!  We drove all the way across town for this!  Now get this, because in retrospect this is too funny.  The museum has said that the purpose of this exhibit is to educate teens and young adults about sex because they may be unable or too embarrassed to ask their parents questions about sex.  So there Sonia and I are, standing in the lobby of the museum, unsure if the exhibit is even there and both of us, but especially me (if you can believe it), were too embarrassed to ask!!  We were whispering at each other like a couple of middle-schoolers, "you ask.  No!  You ask!"  What a couple of losers!  We ended up wandering around the museum, (since we'd paid our admission), and accidentally stumbled upon the exhibit.

The entrance to the exhibit was guarded by not one, not two, but three museum employees.  Admittance is restricted to ages 16 and up, unless accompanied by and adult.  I was not allowed to take my camera in.  Goodness me, what risque business were they hiding in there?!

So, down to business.  How was the exhibit?  For the most part I'd say it was really well done.  Of course there are pictures of naked people.  The walls on the way in were lined, one side male and one side female, with pictures of naked people ranging from toddlers to seniors.  It basically showed you what the human body looks like at different ages.  It wasn't racy or indiscreet, just factual.  Personally its hard for me to look at a naked 70 year old and think of anything remotely sexy, but hey, that's just me.

There was several things about the exhibit I really liked.  There are great question and answer boards where there a lot of really difficult questions are answered.  The kind of questions that most teens would be horrified to ask their parents, like, "Will there be pain the first time?" and, "What is oral sex?"

There were a few really educational and entertaining animated videos, one about puberty and one about how to use a condom.  There was one video that had been removed from the exhibit.  It was about masturbating.  I was given the impression from others that this was a "live video of a man in the act", but I don't know if this is true.  All the other videos were animated.  Frankly, I don't think there is a boy or man in the history of the universe who hasn't been able to figure this out without the aid of a video.  Just sayin'.

I was told that the exhibit only focused on the mechanics of sex and not the spiritual side. This is mostly true, however the exhibit is also not in any way encouraging kids to go out and get busy.  There are portions of the exhibit that discuss, "when am I ready", how to say no and how to deal with peer pressure".  There was a great section on STD's, contraception and great tips for how to insist on condom use without ruining "the moment".

The video that discussed orgasms was a bit regrettable I think.  Not because it was overly sexy or lewd.  It was a short animated video, rather humorous, narrated by "the man", explaining what is happening to his body and his partners, building up to the moment, "oh, wow, that felt good".  But it never mentions if his female partner got anything out of the experience.  Typical.  Nuf said.

I was strangely caught off guard by 6 little black an white photos of naked male and female genitals.  Don't ask me why.  They were so EXTREMELY close up, I think I blushed deeeeeeeeep red!  I actually giggled. Sheeesh!

There was a small section on homosexuality, again, nothing overt.  Just a video you could listen to that featured people explaining how they first knew they were gay.  And the exhibit on kissing had a video montage that showed among many, many hetero couples, one or two gay couples kissing. This doesn't bother me, but I know for some people this could be a real issue.  I think though, that if you're a fifteen year old and you think you might be gay, this part of the exhibit could be a lifeline for you.

Things that were not a part of the exhibit?  There was nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about group sex or BDSM (that bondage, dominance and sado masochism for those of you who haven't read 50 Shades of Grey).  There is no pornography and no bizarre sex toy exhibit.  It's really just learning about your body and how to use it for pleasure (yes, you heard me!), and reproduction and how to keep it safe; how to stand up to peer pressure and make sure you are actually ready to engage in sexual activity.  Whoa!  Scandalous!  Better keep your kids away!  No, in all seriousness, for the most part this exhibit would make a great run through for teenagers AND THEIR PARENTS.  But since we all know most teens would rather run through their school naked than been seen at a sex exhibit with their parents, I think they'd get a lot out of the exhibit by themselves too.



1 comment:

  1. Hmm, interesting...thanks for sharing! I wonder how long this exhibit will be there...
