Saturday 2 June 2012

Field Trippin'

Field Trippin'

Ever been to the Canadian Museum of Nature?  It's four floors of nature-y goodness for kids to explore.  Dinosaurs, oceans, rocks, bugs, mammals, all kinds of interesting things to see.  And, it was the location of William's class field trip for this year.  And Alex's.  Oh no, not on the same day.  Will, Thursday and Alex Friday.  And of course they needed parent volunteers.

Now I'm usually available and I love to do that sort of thing, so of course I volunteered.  It never really occurred to me that I'd be going to the same place two days in a row.  The night before Will's field trip I spent honking my guts up in the bathroom.  Some kind of horrible indigestion, so I did not get the requisite number of hours of sleep required to handle 30 super excited kinder-gardeners.   It went very well though.  It's amazing how exciting a two million year old dinosaur poop fossil is to a 5 year old!
Will and the Dino Poop!
But by the end of the day the kids weren't the only ones in need of a nap.  I crawled into my bed the instant I got home to try and make up some sleep, but Bernie and Scrappy (dogs) decided that my nap time was the perfect time to practice their MMA skills on my bed.

I was starting to think that re-doing the museum the next day was not going to be much fun.  Time for Daddy to step in.  I offered Jake one million dollars to go in my place.  No dice.  I don't think he believed I had the money.  I guess I'd have to go after all, (insert very loud, long groan here).  Now you may ask, did I get a good nights sleep before the second trip?   Of course not!  It was after 11:30 when I finally dragged my butt to bed, so I was still exhausted by the time trip number two started.  Up and down all those stairs!  It was like a Buns of Steel workout!  The trip itself wasn't as boring as I thought it would be, probably because the kids I was with were really great and funny, but man, when I got home I was dunnzo.
Me, Dunnzo

I will not be back to the Museum of Nature for a very loooonnnggggg time.  Turns out though, that my boys really enjoyed it, so maybe will add a couple other museums to our agenda this summer.  I'll let ya know how they go.  Now I'm going the ef to sleep!!


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