Friday 22 June 2012

Balloon Boy!

So, I try not to ramble on too much about how awesome my kids are, but sometimes I just can't hep myself.  Today was Alex's grade two class talent show.  He was not feeling real good today.  He was complaining of a stomach ache, but he wanted to go do his part of the talent show, so off he went.  Like a proud Mama, I went to watch and when I got to the class, Alex wasn't looking so good.  He stomach was still aching and his teacher said he was real quiet all morning.  She said, "you know when Alex is quiet, something must be wrong".  So true.

But, the show must go on!  They moved Alex to the first spot so he could leave early if he needed to.  He got up, look center stage and this is what he did.   Allow me to preface this by saying no one taught him to do this and he didn't read the instructions in a book.  He reverse engineered it from one that his Dad made for his brother.  Amazing!

And what a little showman too!  About ten minutes after this performance he was barfing his guts out in the teacher's bathroom!  What a trooper!

So there you have it.  Bragging moment over.  You can go back to your day.


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