Saturday 2 June 2012

Update: Slim-down 2012

Ok.  So, things are getting off to a bit of a slow start, however, some very positive things have been happening.  I did day one of my 30 Day Shred, unfortunately, on day two I couldn't walk.  Or day three or four.  By day five I figured I'd just give it until the next week.  I did however, eat a lot better this week.  Not perfectly or anything, but better.  Lots of salad and homemade soups and light dinners and my smoothies for breakfast everyday. But there have been some leftover chocolate covered almonds in the freezer from the last school fundraiser that have been giving me a slight problem, and we did go to the Chinese Buffet one night and that's never a good thing.  But overall not bad.  And although I probably had four Diet Cokes this week, I guzzled water like crazy.  I couldn't get enough of it!  I keep a cold bottle in the fridge all the time and it's just so wet and yummy!

Things I noticed immediately as a result of improved diet:  I slept like a log this week!  It was great!  Normally I wake up a half a dozen times a night.  Not this week.  I also felt a lot "lighter".  Not that the scale changed any, but when you eat a lot of really heavy food, you feel really heavy, slow and draggy.  Not this week!  I had plenty of energy during the day, (except for that whole exhausting school field trip experience), and at bedtime, I was out like a light.

So tomorrow is Sunday.  I'm going to get ready for next week.  Workout clothes will be washed, smoothie supplies restocked and meal plan prepared in order to avoid the disastrous, "there's nothing to eat, let's go out for dinner", scenario.  I read this quote somewhere and it definitely applies to me,

"Failing to plan is planning to fail".

I love that, and it's so true!  Well, this week is going to be a success, so here goes!


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