Monday 25 June 2012

Great Michy Slim-Down Update

Um. So, 182.5 is higher than 180, isn't it?  Well shit.  It would appear that the great Michy Slim-Down has gone way the Ef off  course.  I'm not sure what it was exactly.  It could have been the Father's Day ice cream cake (of which I ate 3/4), or the multiple all you can eat sushi lunches, or maybe it was the Taco Bell, A&W and Arby's I scarfed back this week.  I don't know.  I guess it will remain a mystery.

Gad, what a tool!  On a positive note, I did bike a lot this week.  I think, however, if I'm being realistic, I would have to bike from here to Toronto to work off just one Taco Bell Burrito Extreme.  It doesn't help that my husband considers KFC a food group.  When I left yesterday to do the grocery shopping he hollered up the stairs to please get some "healthy" snacks.  By this he meant, Veggie Sticks, Rice Cakes and 100 Calorie Packs of treats.
 NEWS ALERT!!!  These are not healthy snacks!!  They are garbage!  I did get him healthy snacks though.  They're called fruits and vegetables.  Fancy that!

So.  Today is a new day.  Starting fresh with a clean slate.  This mornings menu included homemade Oatmeal with just a hint of cinnamon, maple syrup and brown sugar and a half a grapefruit.  My kids gobbled it up which is awesome.  I would love to keep sugary cereal out of our house and reduce the amount of milk we use, so oatmeal solves both these problems.

For lunch I'm planning on a toasted tomato sandwich with vegan mayo and maybe some homemade corn and jalapeno chowder.  Yum!  Fat pants be gone!


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