Saturday 24 June 2017

Sugar Detox Update #2!

I am well into my sugar purge and things are going well. Don't get too excited though.  Usually I'm good until the 2 or 3 week mark, before the train runs full speed off the tracks.  I have been steering clear of all sugary condiments, switching instead to herbs and spices.  I make my own blends because there is, oddly, a lot of sugar in seasoning blends you purchase from the store.  I don't get all fancy and complicated, I just sprinkle a little of this and a little of that on whatever I'm cooking.

After last weeks juicing disaster I have decided to stick to water, tea and homemade iced tea.  I make great homemade iced tea!

Sadly, I have had to abandon my favorite protein shake mix.  Not sure when it happened, but at some point the company changed the recipe from sweetening with a little bit of stevia to sweetening with a whole lot of cane juice, ie sugar.  It is the second ingredient on the list!  Very disappointing.   This has meant missing my morning breakfast smoothie, my favorite alternative to eggs.  If I ate eggs every day for breakfast I think I'd start laying them myself!

I bought a new protein powder at Costco the other day to try out.  The thing with trying protein powders, is that you can't just buy a small amount.  You can either get large, jumbo or Arnold Schwarzenegger sizes.  This sucks because if the powder tastes like the bottom of a box, which many do, you're stuck with it, or you're throwing away at least 50 bucks.

I picked out a vegan protein powder called Vega Protein + Greens, in vanilla flavor.  Now I just had to figure out what to do with it.  I called my emergency recipe assistance line, aka my sister.  I needed a liquid that wasn't juice because juice is just liquid sugar, and I really wasn't in the mood to squeeze my own.  Aha!  Coconut milk to the rescue!  I also had some plain Greek yogurt.  I threw that in too, not for any particular reason, I just see people put yogurt in smoothies a lot.  Same with the ground flax seed.  Really, these are just good sourced of omega fats and protein, so in they went.  Then I added a mix of frozen tropical fruit.  I prefer using frozen fruit to adding ice because I think melting icy water in my smoothie would be gross.  I tossed in a scoop of my new protein powder and hit blend.  And . . .

Here's the good news.   It doesn't taste like crap and it isn't green.  When I saw, "Protein + Greens"  I was worried it would turn everything green.  I've seen this many times before. When you add other fruits or liquids everything becomes a disgusting brown colour.  The finished smoothie looks like it's already been eaten and digested, (if ya know what I mean).  Gross!

It tastes good too.  The only thing I would change is that I would leave out the yogurt I think.  This smoothie is so thick and creamy it's difficult to suck up the straw!  It is so, so creamy, which some people may love, but I feel like I'm drinking pudding.

So all in all, not a bad first effort.  It's gonna be fun to play around with different blends of fruit and add ins like flax and hemp and such.  I will definitely give the full recipe when I get a winner.

Peace Out!


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