Sunday 18 June 2017

Hey There Sugar - Update

Well, it's almost noon on day 2 of my sugar detox and I haven't killed anyone yet, so I'd say it's going well!  I had enlisted the help of my eldest son to join me in this journey.  He agreed to go sugar free for one week with me, even though, he said, he doesn't have a sugar problem.  This from the boy that ate butter tarts for breakfast the other day.  Well, he lasted until breakfast of the first day.  I woke up to find a white dusting of cereal sugar on the kitchen counter.  I should have warned him that breakfast time sugar cravings are brutal.  He'd tucked into a huge bowl of Multigrain Cheerios before the sun was even fully up.  Last night I came in from running his brother around town only to discover he'd baked chocolate chip cookies.  They were all still sitting there, right on the counter!!!!  So much for his support!

Oh well, not unexpected.  He did make an effort to pack a sugar free lunch this morning, so maybe there's hope for him yet.

Physically, I've got a twinge of a headache.  Not too bad though.  I'm sure my brain is gonna clue into the fact that the Diet Coke river has stopped flowing and is gonna start to rebel in a big way.  I'm a bit tired, but that is not unusual.  I've been riding a blood sugar roller coaster for a long time, so being tired feels normal.

What have I been eating?  Well, yummy stuff!  Scrambled eggs for brekkie, a burrito bowl for lunch, with rice, beans, veg, beef, homemade guac and salsa, and  dinner was roasted chicken with baked sweet potato, an apple and a clementine for desert.  The most exciting thing I had was my evening snack.  A slice of rye bread (watch for sugar in bread), toasted, with all natural peanut butter and sliced strawberries.  Holy yum!  It was so good I had for breakfast again this morning!

I had planned on adding some green juice to my diet this week.  That plan went horribly off the rails when I actually made the green juice.  Yeah, it kinda tastes like a cross between nuclear waste and poison.  I'm kidding!  It tasted like celery, which if you know me, you know I think tastes like nuclear waste and poison.  Every since a grade school pot luck when some sick, twisted parent brought Ants of a Log, a revolting combination of celery, peanut butter and raisins, I have been unable to tolerate celery.  It was, no joke, 20 years before I could eat peanut butter again.


Here's the thing about juicing.  It's expensive.  Super expensive.  To make my putrid concoction I needed 2 cucumbers, (.99 ea), 8 celery stalks, (I just paid $3.39 for the scrawniest bunch of celery you will ever see.  It didn't even have 8 full stalks), 1 bag of kale ($3.99), 1 lemon, (.99),  4 apples, ($2.30) and ginger (.45).  That's $13.10 for 2 glasses of juice, one of which went down the drain 5 seconds after my first sip.  My lucky hubby got the other one.  That makes Starbucks look like a bargain!

So, no more juice.  I am going to make some homemade iced tea.  That should see me through.  Headache is getting slightly worse, but that could just be because my husband is working from home today.

Peace out!


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