Sunday 8 October 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Eh!  (The Sugar Battles Continue!)

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So, does eating 4 Oreos for breakfast and a pint of Ben and Jerry's for lunch mean I've fallen off the wagon? 

Yes, I am hanging my head in shame.  Once again the sweet white stuff has me firmly in its grip.  It all started back in August, on a trip to Montreal, when I decided I could handle a little desert after a dinner out with my hubby.  It quickly became a little desert after every dinner out.  Less than a month later I was licking the sugar off the raisins in my Raisin Bran. 

It's a shame really.  Pounds were lost.  Skin was clean.  My colon was overjoyed.  Now?  Stomach is bloated, giant chin pimple and not even my beloved Squatty Potty is helping  me out in the john.

Sigh!  So here we go again.  It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada and I'm not going to pretend I even want to start my New Sugar Detox this very weekend.  However, Tuesday cometh and I will be starting again!

On a happier note, it is Thanksgiving! 

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Fall is my favorite season by far.  The temperature is cool and comfortable, the trees are colorful, and cozy socks and wine by the fire doesn't look so silly. 

So what am I thankful for this year? Lots for stuff!  But, especially, I am thankful for my family.  My wonderfully un-perfect family.  They make me laugh every day and that is a great gift.  I'm also thankful that I live in Canada.

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With all the strife and conflict going on in every corner of the world I count my lucky stars every day for the accident of birth that saw me born here.

I am thankful for my friends.  That crazy bunch of nerds that make time to hang out with me on a regular basis.  And, I am especially thankful for all you guys who read my blog!  I love sharing my stories and thoughts with you guys and reading your comments in return.  I'm hoping to make this blog even better this year so stay tuned in!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.  Enjoy yourselves and watch the sugar!

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Peace out!


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