Wednesday 29 June 2016

Oh It's You!   Of Course . . .

Well, it's the last day of school.  My final chance to get my house in order before the kids are home to destroy it.  My last chance, for two months, to see clean floors and rooms that don't look like the after-earth of a post apocalyptic Nerf war. Last chance to vacuum before the floors are so covered in dirty clothes we forget what the carpets look like.  Last chance to pee in a toilet without having to disinfect it first. Moms of boys, you know what I'm talkin' about.

I prepared for this day, like any other day of hard house cleaning.  I rolled out of bed, pulled on a pair of ratty, paint splattered sweatpants and my big, baggy, "May the Forest Be With You" T-shirt.  Once Marianas Trench was blasting from the stereo I was ready to begin.  Boom!  Kitchen clean.  Boom! Vacuuming done.  Bathroom clean, Bed made.  I was on a roll!  Yeah!!!!  I was a not so lean, cleaning machine! Nothing was gonna stop me!!!!!!
Image result for super cleaning lady . . . Until I got that e-mail.

Doesn't it just always happen that way?  Turns out, I was needed to deliver something to the kids school.  Well heck.  Fine, ok.  It would give me a chance to say goodbye and thank you to my favorite teachers.  But, I had to ask my self, "Self, are you really gonna do you hair and makeup and change your clothes just to drive one minute, (literally), to the school"?  Was I really busy? Yes.  Do I give a shit what anyone thinks of me? No today.  Have I shown up at the school looking worse?  Probably.  Fuck it.  I decided to go as was.

In my defense I have shown up at school plenty of times looking great.  It's always a little alarming when you show up somewhere looking good and everyone does a double take and says, "oh my!  Your looking nice today!".  Makes me wonder how bad I look the rest of the time.  Well, now I know.

But this story isn't about the school, or about my little side jaunt to Timmies to get a grilled cheese pannini with tomato and bacon.  No, this story is about when I came home.

As I turned the corner onto my street I saw a sight that made my stomach almost expel said pannini. A truck, with the logo for Spetic Supply Co. on the door.  It was parked up the street near the mailboxes.  Must be hear for someone else, I told myself.  Surely not in the neighborhood for me.  It can't be spring maintenance time!!  It's June!

I drove down the street and turned in my driveway and watched as the truck cruised by checking out addresses.  Yes!  He drove by.  Whew!  I got out of my car and started up to the front door when I heard something behind me.  Oh shit.  He was backing in!!!  Nooooooooooooooo!
Image result for noooooooooooo

Side note:  for those of you who do not know why I might find this upsetting, please refer to blog articles, "The Great Septic System Debacle, Parts 1 & 2".

And of course, who should pop his handsome face out of the truck, as I stand there in my stained, baggy cleaning clothes, with my hair all efed up, squinting into to sun, holding a huge purse and a Tims cup, but Sexy Septic Steve.  Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.

He looked up at me and smiled.  "I'm here for your spring maintenance".

"Of course you are", I said, "because I look like hell, and that is always when you show up".  I really did say this.  I'm sorry, but I'm starting to wonder if he doesn't just love catching unsuspecting ladies at their worst, just for giggles.  He looked down at his sexy as hell, blue collar workman's trousers and said, "Well, I'm not looking that great either".  Wait.  Does that mean he agrees with me??  Dammit!

You know what?  I'm gonna let that one slide.  Ya know why?  Because I just looked at the Service Call Record where Steve checks off everything he has to look at to complete the maintenance properly.  Beside checking off the boxes for inspecting the aerator and the controls, he also checked off,  "Effluent Checked"(Ew!), "Effluent Quality", (it felt good to me?), and "Squirt Height", (not sure how he measured that!?).  Bahahahahahahahahaahahahaha!  Remember that next time your complaining about your job!

Well, until Fall Maintenance, peace out peeps!


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