Wednesday 8 June 2016

We've Had Visitors!

Spring is still springing around our house.  There are so many cool things to see and hear and smell!  I swear, it just smells better out in the country.  You know, aside from manure spreading season.  First my crab apple tree was perfuming the air, now it's the lilacs.  It's lovely.  Things are blooming everywhere.

We have also had some visitors:

This little lovely has been hanging around for a couple weeks.  I think it's burrow is in a stand of trees out on the front lawn.  We haven't had as many bunnies this year as we did last year when they were breeding like, well, rabbits!  I think I'll name it, "Bunny".

This lovely Luna Month made an appearance!  You can see by the regular sized month beside it, just how big it was!  I think it was a female.  She hung out for the whole day and flew off sometime in the night.  Apparently sightings are pretty rare because they only live for about a week! 

I think I'll name her, "Mothy"

This unwanted guest also made an appearance.  Why was she unwanted?  Because she is a huge ass spider and is therefore terrifying.  Her body was the size of the end of my baby finger and her legs stretched out wider than a twoonie!

Now, I'm not a spider murderer, but there was no way I could relax under my umbrella with that hanging over my head.  Nope.  Now way. Not gonna happen.  So, I grabbed the broom from our fireplace set and swept her off.  We were three floors up on my balcony, but it looked like she had a soft enough landing.  Bleh!  I named her, "Holyshitwhatthefuck"!

And finally, this happened this week:

No, we were not shearing sheep.  I asked my husband to "Fur-minate" Bernie, our pug.  There is enough hair here to stuff a pillow!  The best part.  He left this hair all over the lawn.  Forever.  He never cleaned it up!!  Nice.  Then it rained!  Swell.  I finally went out yesterday and cleaned it up. Sigh!

So that's what's up around here.  Stay tuned for more news about our robin and her eggs!



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