Monday 14 April 2014

Pouty Lip!

I had THE best morning this morning.  I woke up early, (not normally a good thing).  As I was heading downstairs to make my breakfast I passed by Alex's room, (son, age 10 for those who don't know).  He was still asleep in bed.  Yeah!  I tiptoed into his room and crawled under his blanket to snuggle.  I LOVE snuggling!  It's the best!  I buried my nose in his hair and sniffed him in.  Ahhhh!  We snuggled for fifteen minutes or so before he wanted to get up.  I figured I'd go eat my breakfast now, except that I knew William, (son, age 7) was still sound asleep in his bed.  So I made a little detour and hopped in with Will and snuggled him awake.  Life does not get any better!  
It hit me as I was laying there though.  How long can this last?  My babies are getting older.  A mother crawling into bed with her fifteen year old in the morning is just creepy.  Alex will be hitting puberty in a few years!  There will be morning wood and wet dreams.  Ew!  Even I don't want to cuddle up with that!  So I know, in my brain, that my snuggling days are numbered.

I feel like there is a huge clock, ticking over my head, counting off the hours until my last morning snuggle.  Am I weird?  I am just not ready.  I think of all the time I wasted not snuggling and feel bad for not doing more, especially when they were little babies.  When I think about how much money we spent on Jolly Jumpers and Exersaucers, and bouncy chairs and swings, I think, what a waste.  Why put my precious baby in a bouncy chair instead of letting them fall asleep on my tummy.  I was only watching tv!  What a missed opportunity!  I want a do over!!!!

I try to take satisfaction in the reality that I am raising young men who will be independent and strong, who will be good to women and raise beautiful families of their own.  But it's not working.  I want my snuggles!

One day at a time I guess.  One day at a time.


1 comment:

  1. I liked your blog entry, but cringed when I read "There will be morning wood and wet dreams. Ew!" Ew indeed - and your sons may read this blog entry one day...
