Saturday 1 July 2017

Sugar Detox Update #3

I want sugar so bad right now.  Like, really, really, REALLY freakin' bad.  Every time I pass by something sweet my salivary glands start pumping so hard that I am literally drooling.  I've been breaking out in panicked sweats all week because my house has been filled with sweets!  My son just asked me if he could have a chocolate chunk muffin, and I said sure, and carefully extracted a muffin for him out of it's plastic clam shell, and just as I was about to hand it to him, I yanked it back and smooshed it up under my nostrils and inhaled it's sweet chocolaty essence.  Then I gave an involuntary shiver and handed the sugary devil over to him.

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The fight is real!

In the past 13 days, (I cannot believe that's all it's been) I have been bombarded with all things sweet and delicious.  Cookies, cake, muffins, pudding and my greatest nemesis, ice cream are all in my house right now.

Now, if you are an average Joe, or an average Jane, who can eat a little something sweet from time to time and them move on to other things, congratulations.  As I have expressed in this series, however, I am not that kind a gal.  I will eat cake for breakfast, ice cream for lunch and pie for dinner.  I am not exaggerating, I have actually done this.  Many times.

Here is just a sampling of the various ways people have unknowingly, (or knowingly), sabotaged my efforts to eliminate sugar in the past couple weeks.  The people closest to you tend to be the worst in this regard.

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My husband brought me home breakfast from Tim Horton's, twice.  This breakfast consisted of a large black steeped tea and a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese.  Now, I can see how he might not realize that a bagel is essentially just a dense, delicious roll of sugar, but a cinnamon raisin bagel?? Like come on!!  I accepted it graciously because the fact that he remembered to bring me anything at all was a surprise, but still.

I endured lunch out with a friend where I heard all about how crazy I was and how I just need to use moderation and how a little bit of sugar can't hurt anyone.  Sigh.  Then, after she ordered her lunch, she told the waitress, "well, she's not eating sugar, so I don't know what she'll have". Awkward!

I went out with my family for dinner and my children, with the help of my husband, and knowing that I could not have sweets, and knowing that it was my favorite dessert in the entire universe, ordered deep fried ice cream and ate it in front of me, all the while smiling and grinning and telling me how yummy it was. Well, Ef you too!

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The Food of the Gods

My youngest turned 11, hence the cake and ice cream at home.  He chose a red velvet cake and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.  When the time came to cut the cake I begged my husband to do it.  I was having the shakes and the saliva was pumping out of me like a geyser.  And ya know what?  HE REFUSED!!!!  I had to cut cake and scoop ice cream for 10 people, INCLUDING HIM!!!!!  It was all I could do not to lick the knife.  I got frosting on my fingers and ran to the sink in a panic to wash it off.  You'd have thought I came into contact with Ebola, not butter cream!  Mmmmmmmm, butter cream.

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"Out damn spot, out I say!!"

To top off the week, my eldest got braces yesterday.  My house is now fully stocked with soft, squishy foods to help him get through the next few days.  There's ice cream, pudding, jello, soft cereal bars and sugar filled instant oatmeal.  I should have gotten him strained peas and carrots and mashed bananas.  So stupid.

So, to sum up, this is the very difficult stage wherein I usually jump off the wagon and do a swan dive into a pint of Ben and Jerry's.

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I keep telling my self, "just one little pudding cup, just one spoonful of ice cream", but I know where that will end.  That my friends is the path to size 18 jeans and type 2 diabetes.

I must be strong!!  I can prevail!!  Even if it kills me, which at this exact moment I think it might.

Peace out.


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