Wednesday 25 May 2016

So this is Happening . . .

So this is happening . . .

Awesome!!  A robin has made nest under our deck and three wee ones are on the way!  She built it on Uncle Matt's workshop heater which we had hung up under the deck last winter in an attempt to warm up the path too and from the hot tub.  It didn't work and I was gonna take it down, but I didn't get around to it and now I'll have to wait.  I don't think that the robin is super happy with the location she chose.  Every time I come out the patio door she bolts from the nest and flies across the yard.  Scares the crap out of me every time, even though, by now, I know it's coming.  The neighbors must think I'm some kind of super evangelical christian, because every time I come outside and the bird scares me I yell, "Jesus Christ"!!  Sorry Jesus.  I love your nature.  I'm sure this isn't the same robin that flew in my open car window and shat all over my dashboard.  Ya, that happened too.

This is also happening . . .

My crab apple tree is in full boom!  It smells so good. Look at that big fat bumblebee doing its pollinating thing!  There are so many bees in the tree right now you can hear it buzzing when you walk by.   There is also a bit of a nasty caterpillar nest on one of the branches.  That will NOT be happening.  It will be removed tomorrow.  Yuck!

And, my veggie garden is coming along.  I have my tomatoes, herbs and peppers planted.  my zucchini, cucumbers, peas and beans are coming up along with my arugula and beets, but, sadly, no romaine lettuce yet.

I'm gonna have to put my critter netting over everything soon or the animals will come eat everything before it even has a chance to grow!

Well, that's it for now.  I will keep updating regularly, so keep checking back!


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