Monday 23 November 2015

Update:  The Great Septic System Debacle

So, I got a call last week that Steve would be coming back today to do the fall maintenance for our septic system.  Ha!  Not gonna get me this time Steve!  I have been an angel!  I have been the poster girl for septic system care!  I will not be humiliated again!

I planned my morning.  I would get the kiddos off to school, pretty myself up and await his arrival while I sipped my morning tea.  He was scheduled for 9:30am.

I did actually end up a bit behind schedule.  Hitting the snooze button 5 times will set a girl back a bit ya know.  I rolled out of bed and into the kitchen to start making the boys lunches for school.  I was still in my baggy, blue flannel pajamas.  There was dishes piled up to the ceiling and no-ones lunch box could be found.  While I was roaming the house looking for lunchboxes I heard the dogs start going crazy, barking like we were being invaded.  This is a strong indication that somebody is at the door. Since nobody in my family is capable of answering a phone or a door, I trudged up to get it myself.  So there I am, bleary eyed, in my jammies with, very obviously, no bra on and who should be standing at the door a full hour and a half early??!!

I opened the door exactly one centimeter and placed one crusty, bleary eye up to the crack.  Yep, it's Mr. Handsomepants.  Dammit.  Now, you may think that just cracking the door open a tiny bit would have preserved some of my modesty, dignity and pride, and it may have, if my front door wasn't a solid sheet of transparent plate glass!!!!!!  There was no hiding. Humiliation complete.

But apparently God hadn't had all his fun with me yet today.  After Steve left I went into the bathroom to get dressed, you know, just in case anyone else decided to stop by at the crack of freaking dawn, and this is what I saw in the mirror:

What the multiple fucks is wrong with my hair.?  I look like an electrocuted porcupine! God dang it!!!!!

Well, there's always spring maintenance. 


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