Monday 6 April 2020

Welcome to the New Normal!

Hello from a safe distance!  It has been some time since I have posted anything here.  In fact it's been 2 years!  My last post was about my sons 14th birthday.  He just turned 16 last week!  So where have I been?  Truth be told, I have been having 2 very difficult years.  Frankly, I didn't have a whole lot of funny, happy material to write about.  Sometimes life is hard and our stories are not ours to tell. 

There have been some technical issues as well.  My laptop, and only computer, has a couple broken keys on its keyboard.  Namely the left Shift key and the backspace key.  Try typing without those! Aside from the space-bar they  are probably the 2 most commonly used keys on the whole keyboard.  I have recently upgraded to a regular keyboard that I have plugged into my laptop.  All the letters have worn off many of the keys, so I kinda have to guess what I'm typing, an oh yeah, it's missing THE FRICKIN SPACE-BAR, but hey, still an upgrade.  And it was free. 

It's not like I can just whip over to Best Buy and get this fixed. Anyway, thanks to numerous prompts from my throngs of fans (that's you friends and family), I am back at the keyboard, such as it is.

Like so many of you I am housebound at present and off of work, and while financial pressures mount and fears rise over contracting Coronavirus, I am trying to maintain a positive head space.  Here are a few things I have been doing to keep my spirits up::::;;;;;;;  (LOL!  Looks like to colon/semi colon key is all crusty and sticking!)

Spirits.  That's right, good ol' booze.  Have some fun in your liquor cabinet!  Don't just grab a beer.  Root around in the fridge and create a new, signature quarantine cocktail. 

Presenting . . . 
Crazy Michy's signature Quaren-cocktail!

I had to dig deep for this one.  The juice of the 2 last withering oranges in my fridge, the last of my emergency box of white wine, and a large spoonful of canned cranberry sauce that I bought 5 years ago for Christmas dinner but never used, garnished with a real frozen cranberry from a bag of fossilized cranberries I bought 3 years ago to make homemade cranberry sauce, but also never used.

I will try this later and let you know how it turned out.  It's bit early in the day yet!

Secondly, I am trying to make sure that I get dressed in real clothes every day.  I might not get out of bed until noon, but when I do I throw on jeans and a t-shirt. No makeup.  I'm not crazy! However, now is a great time to focus on proper skincare.  Same for hair care.  There is really no need to get out the heat styling tools.  Messy bun here I come!  I am actually laughing out loud right now at the thought of my messy bun.  Here are some imaged that spring to mind when the average girl puts her hair up in a messy bun:
Messy Bun Hairstyles That'll Still Have You Looking Polished ...Messy Bun Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr ...

This is literally all the hair on my head, in a messy bun.

It's not much of a bun, but it sure is a mess!

Thirdly, Michy's got hobbies. Yes, they are old ladies hobbies, but they keep me busy, and productive.  Ever wanted to learn to knit? Play an instrument? Paint?  Now's the time.  YouTube has tutorial videos for everything.  Want a tutorial video about how to make a tutorial video?  They've got one. Now that-the weather is warming up there is no reason not to get that yard in shape.  I think it is especially beneficial to get kids and teenagers in the hobby game.  Video games, tv and digital devices are NOT hobbies.  Hobbies involve creating and working with your hands.  There should be something to show at the end of all your work. Feeling productive is always a good feeling.

Staying in contact with people.  Not texting and posting.  Really telephone or video call people. Being seen and heard is so much more fulfilling than texting and posting.  Having a real conversation with a real person can be a life saver, literally, for some people, and yet so few people reach out and pick up the phone.  I probably spend 2 hours a day talking to people on the phone or on video chat.  My favorite app right now is HouseParty.  It's a video party where people can join up and chat and play games and just have a good time interacting with real people.  Just remember to put on clothes!

Get outside!  A walk a day keeps the depression  away.  Get outside and get your vitamin D.  Just make sure to give passersby a wide berth.  They could be disease ridden death bombs just waiting for a chance to sneeze on you.

So there you have it.  Just a few of the ways I am trying to stay positive during this very difficult time.  I would love to see your messy buns and Quaren-cocktails!

Until next time, peace out!


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