Wednesday 3 January 2018

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!

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Hey Crazy Michy Readers.  Welcome to 2018!  January 1st is a fresh start for many.  I generally give myself two official fresh starts each year.  January 1st, and whatever day in September the first day of school lands on.  Then there's the monthly fresh start where I deep clean my house and promise myself that it will stay clean this time.  Then there is the bi-weekly fresh start, where I re-start my healthy eating plan because I've binged on ice cream and McDonald's again.  And finally there is my daily fresh start, where I remind myself that yesterdays crappy day is but a memory and today, well, today will be different.

You know what the benefit of so many fresh starts is?  It means I never need to dwell on the past.  Did I let my healthy eating slide yesterday?  No matter, today is a new day.  Did I lose my shit yesterday, scream at my kids and send them to school with cookies and a cheese stick for lunch?  C'est la vie.  Today is a fresh new day.  Did I upload a blog post where I misspelled yesterday, 'yeasterday' twenty two times?  Not yet.  But if I do, there's always tomorrow.

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2017 was a pretty good year.  I made some new friends, took an actual vacation and started writing a lot more.  While I haven't dropped that extra 70 pounds I'm dragging around, I did learn a lot more about what I can apply to my everyday life to help me with that goal.

I got to see my kids grow up another year.  Oh my gad it is ridiculous how fast they grow!!  My thirteen year old decided to lace up his skates and join a hockey team for the first time.  This is a pretty big deal around these parts.  All the kids on his team have been playing since they were toddlers.  Age 8 is deemed really late to start playing.  He was determined though, and with the support of a great team and coaches he has just blossomed.  Ok.  I know he won't like me using the word 'blossomed', because he's a thirteen year old boy, but I can't think of a better word!  I am so proud of him, I get teary eyed just thinking about it!

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My eleven year old has added tap and ballet to his dance resume.  I am so proud of the fact that he is pursuing his love of dance without worrying about what other kids will think.  He really doesn't care.  It's beautiful.  He has an amazing crew of other boys that he dances with and they all give each other the support and push they need to succeed at what they love.  I cannot wait for his 2018 competition season to start so I can scream myself hoarse cheering for him!

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My husband and some friends started a new company together in 2017.  I am confident that they will make a success of it.  I would love to see 2018 be the year they blow up, (in a good way)!  And not just because I don't want to end up living in my camper, but because when my husband gets excited about successes at work, he has the most amazing, huge smile, and I'd love to see that!

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So, 2018.  What's on the agenda?  I have made a few new years resolutions;

1.  Start cooking more meals at home.
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My family has a staggering dining out bill.  In a month it can vary between $800.00 and $1000.00.  That is INSANE!!  Nowadays it costs $100.00 or more for a family of four to eat at a sit down restaurant and over $40.00 for drive through fast food.  This has to stop.  I need to cook at home more.  That means I have to make sure I have a plan and the proper groceries.  And, an emergency box of KD on hand for when Dad has to cook the kids dinner.  A 99 cent box of KD is better than $40.00 worth of McDonald's any day. 

2.  Get out and enjoy winter.

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I tend to hibernate during the winter season.  My favorite winter activity involves my fireplace, some wine and a good book.  This is not likely to change, however, I am open to the possibility that winter isn't all that bad.  A sunny winter day is actually lovely.  No, this does not mean I'm going to take up down hill skiing, (see my first ever blog post for reasons), or swooshy jogging, (also know as cross country skiing), or bobsledding, (no one wants to see me in one of those suits). 

I find the act of chopping firewood on a winter day, both relaxing and invigorating.  A walk with my dogs on a sunny winter day is really nice.  I love breathing in the scent of cold, fresh air and wood smoke.  I might even lace up my skates and hit the rink with my boys.  That's a little more my speed.  The key here is to enjoy winter, and not consider it a burden that I must endure for 5 months of the year.

3.  Write more.
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I want to carve out time to write, both my blog and a novel I'm working on.  I need a set amount of time every week dedicated solely to this task.  Life gets in the way so easily.  Right now, my brain keeps interrupting me with nagging thoughts about all the other things I should be doing.  Shut up brain!  Writing is a wonderful creative outlet.  I absolutely love doing it and I am determined to make it a higher priority.

4. Improve my flexibility.

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Not to brag, but I used to be quite limber.  Not anymore.  Now I can barely touch my toes.  This is gonna change.  Lucky me I have a very flexible dancer in the house.  My goal is to spend 20 minutes a day stretching out the kinks with the help of my son.  Hopefully this will help reduce a lot of my general stiffness and soreness. 

5.  Be more mindful.

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I want to slow down, be more aware and be more present.  Remember my busy brain, yeah, it can shut the hell up for a while.  I want to train my brain to focus on enjoying the here and now and not to stray to worrying about the future, or all the other little things that need to be taken care of.  This is not an easy task.  Our brains are very vocal little nuisances. But a little time each day spent actively focusing on the present and mentally telling your brain to shut up, will help train your brain to be more focused and settled.  Now doesn't that sound nice?

So, I think that's enough, don't you?  I'm not gonna scale Everest or swim the Ganges, I'm just gonna work on being a happier, healthier, more bendy version of me.

Let me know what changes or goals you have for the new year in the comments section. and please feel free to share this post with your friends!

Peace out,


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