Monday 20 August 2012

My Do-over Needs a Do-over!

Ok.  So in my defence I was on vacation.  An awful lot of time was spent in the kitchen.  Cooking, eating and cleaning.  It's not so much what I ate.  We ate really good.  It was more a problem how much I ate.  While my sister in law ate one waffle for breakfast, I ate four.  Plus fruit.  Also, my bike ride every day didn't exactly work out, although I did bike a lot, it wasn't the mega ride I had planned for every day.

We also went to New York for a couple of days and had to eat out every meal.  Not only did I eat fattening, sugary restaurant food, I even ate meat!!  Ick.  Damn, why is it so yummy?

So, this week I absolutely, positively must get my s**t together.  I'll let you know as soon as I figure this all out!  Suggestions are welcome.
